
What is vertigo & what is this talk about crystals? 

Vertigo is a type of dizziness. People experiencing vertigo may feel: off-balance, like they are spinning, or like the room is spinning around them. At Ramp Up Physiotherapy, we are experienced in treating people with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (try saying that 10 times fast) or, BPPV for short. BPPV is the most common type of vertigo. 

The vestibular system sits in your inner ear. BPPV occurs when calcium crystals (otoconia) become loose from their normal position and they float through fluid filled semicircular canals in the inner ear. The function of the semicircular canals is to detect head motion. Typically, when the head moves, fluid in the canals moves the cilia (hair like protrusions), which tells our body where our head is in space. When people have BPPV, the crystals push on the cilia. The extra weight of the crystals confuses the body, making it feel like the head has moved further than it really has. This often causes rapid eye movements called nystagmus. Combined, this contributes to the feeling of vertigo. 

How do physiotherapists treat vertigo? 

The treatment of BPPV is typically quite straightforward. Once BPPV is diagnosed and the affected side and canal is confirmed, your Physiotherapist will guide you through specific manoeuvres in aim to move the crystals back to where they should be. You may feel dizzy or nauseas during these manoeuvres, this is normal to experience during treatment. 

Often BPPV is accompanied by other impairments or physical changes, such as reduced balance, reduced eye control or a stiff neck. At Ramp Up Physiotherapy, we complete a comprehensive assessment with all clients who attend for vertigo treatment. This helps to ensure that you don’t experience any secondary issues as a result of your vertigo. In addition to completing the specific vertigo manoeuvres, we may provide you with some home exercises or other treatments.